
Step into the lively world that is Bombvinos Bodega, nestled right in the heart of Makati - dive into our curated collection of wines and spirits, perfect for browsing, sipping, and discovering new favorites. Enhancing this experience is the culinary artistry of Chef Don Baldosano, whose Pinoy Bistronomy food menu seamlessly complements the cozy ambiance of our wine bar.

Opening Hours

Sun - Tue / 12:00 NN to 9:00 PM
Shop wine and spirits → starts at 12:00 NN
Food & bar service → starts at 2:00 PM 

Wed - Sat / 12:00 NN to 12:00 AM
Shop wine and spirits → starts at 12:00 NN
Food & bar service → starts at 3:00 PM 

Sun - Tue

Shop wine and spirits
Food and bar service

Wed - Sat

Shop wine and spirits
Food and bar service

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11:30 AM - 10:00 PM

starts at 11:30 AM
starts at 2:00 PM

11:30 AM - 1:00 AM

starts at 11:30 AM
starts at 2:00 PM

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